OS X: Time Machine backup

My article OSX Time Machine backup to Synology DS107+ has been really popular over the last few months.

The comments on the posting alone should provide a feel of how well this worked for most of the OSX users. I have received numerous confirmations from happy Mac-users who managed to get their TimeMachine to co-operate with a number of different NAS’s (QNAP, Linksys, Synology) as well as your standard run-of-the-mill Linux servers.

As a one-time special and limited to 2,000 downloads only, I have provided a “super-pretty” version of my instructions as donation-ware:

If you feel that this website and it’s articles have added value to your life, click on the link below and show your token of appreciation and you will be equally rewarded with a 3-page manual on how to get the TimeMachine going. (Well, you can find the same information in the link above – that’s why it’s called donation).

There is also a motive behind this: I will very soon publish *** FOR FREE **** on how you can get your own integration with Paypal going and this is the best way of testing the app and at the same time buy me a beer or two 🙂