Cloudflare in review

Cloudflare has been running on my blog now for a couple of days, and analytics have started to show on my (free) Cloudflare account. It’s quite interesting to see that over 50% of my traffic and hits have been cached through Cloudflare.

Although I have not enabled aggressive threat-controls, Cloudflare does seem to catch many of the threats. It just a pity that at the moment not much reporting is available (I suppose this might be different in the Pro version):

Cloudflare threat control

The combination of Cloudflare with Amazon S3 and Amazon Cloudfront (a topic which I will cover in an upcoming post) is a huge improvement to absorb traffic spikes and improve page-speed.

Comment below on your speed experience on my blog (where you from would help), but you should notice a considerable improvement in image- and page-load times.