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MyBroadband banned me because I reported them to ISPA

To get the full back-story leading up to this event, you need to read censors consumer activism about Afrihost SMS- & email-spam first. The short story is:

Today, 8th June 2017 I received a notification from ISPA about my code-of-conduct complaint against MyBroadBand:

The above response from MyBroadBand was disappointing as there was a good opportunity to resolve the issue of censorship without having to go through a full ISPA review. The owners of the forum at no point ever indicated that my posts violated any forum rules.

Since a full ISPA review typically requires supplementary information (such as a full list of deleted posts), I filed a PAIA request to MyBroadband:

When I visited MyBroadband today at 4pm, I was greeted with the following notice:

Yes, the ban-hammer came down. I don’t think it is a coincidence that the forum ban happened after the PAIA request and after ISPA placed the complaint on review. Be it as it may, the conduct of the owners of the website are absolutely unprofessional and unethical. Yes, it is their website and they have every right to grant access to whoever they wish, but running a public website as a registered company also places some responsibilities on the owners:

The drastic measure of a site-ban without a reason leaves much to speculation and strongly points at that the owners do not welcome constructive criticism and do not support the adherence to regulatory and statuary bodies. Irrespective of the ban, I will continue with the ISPA complaint to ensure that ISPA members comply with the high standards set out by ISPA.

Some people might argue, that owns their forum and has every right to ban people and it is a “privilege” to be part of that community. This is unfortunately not correct when a website belongs to a regulatory body such as ISPA (yes, it is strange that is a member, but they are – proof here) and such membership requires that members follow a certain code of conduct. When deleted my questions why my posts were deleted, they violated that code-of-conduct for those regulatory organisations they belong to.

Although I attempted a dialogue, I was not allowed the opportunity for representation, but was summarily blocked without an explanation. The owners of the website only much later (after all posts were deleted and hours before I was banned) misrepresented the actual facts (proof with screenshots is shown in the previous post):

The above explanations are really poor attempts by the owner to justify an action which was not necessary for no other purpose than to protect paying sponsors such as Afrihost. No open dialogue was afforded. This has again become apparent when my account was banned without notice or reason.

As a closing point, I will leave you with the write-up on Wikipedia:

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