Category: PS3


PS3: Whoop Whoop – Home invite

By the sounds of it I seem to be the first South African to have received an official Playstation Home invite: PLAYSTATION Home (also marketed and referred to simply as Home) is a community-based service for the PlayStation Network which...


Drake: Trophies

If you are chasing your PS3 trophies you will be delighted to know that if you play Drake on Hard you will be able to collect 3 trophies (for completing the game on Easy, Normal and Hard) at once. Contrary...


PS3: Trophy whore

Ever since the release of the 2.40 PlayStation 3 firmware, PS3 gamers everywhere have been clamoring for titles beyond Super Stardust HD to earn Trophies in. While a slew of new titles coming later this year will offer support for...


Streaming 5.1 surround sound to PS3

Update (2008-12-23): I have discovered an alternative to the method below, which works equally well (although not as fast as the DVD is ripped and re-encoded) – details are posted here. Wow – it has taken me nearly 8 weeks...


Color calibrating your HDTV

If you own a PS3, chances are that you also own Casino Royale (either because you got the movie from SterKinekor for free like I, or you bought it). Like many Sony titles, this Blu-ray title includes test-patterns – you...


PS3: Guitar Hero – Aerosmith

Launching this weekend, and should not need more introduction: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith will follow the career of Aerosmith, by playing significant songs in their catalog in a ‘rough chronological fashion’. The gameplay will follow the band through various periods in...


Cheapest Blue-ray’s in town: CNA

I wish I could shamelessly plug for CNA — if it was not for them over the last 6 months to completely screw up their storelayouts and scatter their stock across stores without much logic. One thing I must give...