PS3: Whoop Whoop – Resistance 2 beta invite….
lucky me. Sony is really spoiling me, got now the beta invite for Resistance: FOM-2 – awesome!!!!
R&D Techlead and Dev Manager / e-Commerce / Java- & JEE specialist / gadgeteer / consumer-, privacy- & security activist
lucky me. Sony is really spoiling me, got now the beta invite for Resistance: FOM-2 – awesome!!!!
By the sounds of it I seem to be the first South African to have received an official Playstation Home invite: PLAYSTATION Home (also marketed and referred to simply as Home) is a community-based service for the PlayStation Network which...
If you are chasing your PS3 trophies you will be delighted to know that if you play Drake on Hard you will be able to collect 3 trophies (for completing the game on Easy, Normal and Hard) at once. Contrary...
Ever since the release of the 2.40 PlayStation 3 firmware, PS3 gamers everywhere have been clamoring for titles beyond Super Stardust HD to earn Trophies in. While a slew of new titles coming later this year will offer support for...
Update (2008-12-23): I have discovered an alternative to the method below, which works equally well (although not as fast as the DVD is ripped and re-encoded) – details are posted here. Wow – it has taken me nearly 8 weeks...
In a couple of days, I am going to get this great NAS-device: The DS107+ features a single-bay 3,5″ drive bay and I will populate it with a 1TB Western Digital drive. The WD’s have been quite reliable in the...
If you own a PS3, chances are that you also own Casino Royale (either because you got the movie from SterKinekor for free like I, or you bought it). Like many Sony titles, this Blu-ray title includes test-patterns – you...
Launching this weekend, and should not need more introduction: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith will follow the career of Aerosmith, by playing significant songs in their catalog in a ‘rough chronological fashion’. The gameplay will follow the band through various periods in...
I was running my N-wireless network for months through my Belkin N1 router without a problem. The router is located in my office, connecting to an iBurst desktop modem and was connecting via a Gigabit connection to my PS3. As...
I wish I could shamelessly plug for CNA — if it was not for them over the last 6 months to completely screw up their storelayouts and scatter their stock across stores without much logic. One thing I must give...
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