Category: Life in RSA


Credit card fraud: Shopto?

It certainly makes you wonder (and worry) that within one week at least 3 members at the PS3ZA forum faced credit-card fraud (here, here and here). Allegedly all users have been using and I am aware of users who...


Steve you F! Hope you enjoyed my game

I am used to parcels getting lost or stolen by our local Post Office staff, but this one takes the cake: An order shipped via CDWOW on 17th April arrived today. The envelope was in mint condition, but I was...


The Castrol Extreme Auto Show at the Northgate Dome

All the petrol-heads are heading to The Coca Cola Dome this weekend to visit the Castrol Extreme Auto Show. We went there in anticipation to see what was promised on the website: “South Africa’s biggest automotive show. Featuring everything from...


Install your own Infrared sauna

The Finns had used saunas since the 5th century as a place to cleanse the mind, rejuvenate and refresh the spirit, and prepare the dead for burial (you will feel like the latter when you step into the sauna for...


MTN under fire for “skills based” competition

The Most Terrible Network has not been my favorite company as of late due to their lack of service and shoddy customer service. They have no “improved” their image, by adding extortion to their product-portfolio: If you subscribe to the...


The National Skirt Extension Project

Life really is going south in SA – now even short skirts are prohibited according to this national program: While it is too late for an April fools joke (I noticed the first ad in the Sunday Times and this...


The 2009 SA Blog awards

It’s the 5th annual 2009 South African Blog Awards, and the first time I am participating. So click on the link below (or on the sidebar) and nominate your favorite blogs: If you have your own blog, get your nomination...