Category: Life in RSA


The R114 roadsafety/upgrade petition

I travel the R114 (commonly known as the Lion Park Road between Lion Park and R511) frequently to drop my son off at school (Heronbridge College) and on the way to work. The road is covered in potholes with taxis...


Rabobi – iSpiderman!

I have always been an eternal optimist, and whenever destiny throws me a boomerang of bad luck (such as the recent spider-bite), I throw it right back at her. Three days in hospital brought on enough boredom and a good...


Fuck Little Miss Muffet

So little Miss muffet had the wrong idea and snuggled up with me on New Year’s Eve. It is not unusual to wake up on 1st January with an enormous headache, shaking body and a dry mouth. I was still...


Happy New Year 2009

New Year’s Eve, 1999, was supposed to be as far as it got for humanity. Thanks to short-sighted computer programmers, automated missile launching systems, some form of bug, and the accurate prophecies of Nostradamus, this was the big one; the...


Around the dinner table

With all the social gatherings with family and friends during the festive season, you are about to run into one of those mundane “I-wish-I-was-somewhere-else” events – that’s when I took mental note of the following “double-ended” conversations over turkey and...


A Merry XMas – the truth (explicit)

Regardless of your religion, in one way or another in a thousand different ways, people (and especially retail stores) join together today to celebrate Christmas with their own unique customs and traditions. All cultures have a midwinter festival, but Christians...


Moron award: Write off an Aston Martin DBS

On 19th December, some epic moron took an Aston Martin DBS, a 6 litre, V12 beauty — valued at about 3.5 million Rand (USD 280,000) for a test-drive and managed to land himself in a 6 car-pile-up on Grayston off-ramp....


Heatwave – Portable air-conditioner

The weekend was unbearable and while most people stayed close to a pool, I found that the humidity and heat was just draining the life out of me. MegaMica had the DeLonghi 14,000 BTU portable air-conditioner on special and just...


ADSL: Significance of SNR and attenuation

As an ADSL n00b I wanted to understand how the technology works and how to get the most out of it. In essence if you want to improve speed and increase stability you need to familiarise yourself with SNR (signal...


iBurst: Almost wowed me…

After putting enough pressure on iBurst, the company decided to provide me with a free installation of a directional antenna. Installation team arrived last week Friday and install went smooth (bar the fact that for whatever unexplainable reason, they chose...