

Guitar Hero: Slider-tap strumming

I got Guitar Hero – Greatest Hits over the weekend and going through the tutorials, found that with the new slider-guitars you can also “tap-strum”: The slider bar can take the place of the normal strum bar (you can tap-strum)....


Synology: Easy Time Machine integration

The recent release of Synology’s 2.2 beta firmware includes Time Machine support. For all Synology users, my tutorial OS X: Time Machine backup has now really become a piece of cake: Create a shared folder called “TimeMachine” Create a user...


The Friday Picture: Gothics

The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:


Office:Mac 2008 12.2.0 Update

Microsoft released the latest Office:Mac update. It includes a number of improvements (especially speed and stability) for Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. The horrible Exchange client, Entourage, is still not capable of properly managing calendaring and synchronizing events with an...


ANC: Website hacked or new income generation?

If you visited the ANC website over the weekend, you would have noticed some new content on the party’s website: I doubt that the links for penis-enlargement, free porn or dating services are part of new income generating services from...


Synology releases firmware supporting DNLA

Although still in beta, the new firmware sounds promising. I installed the beta-firmware yesterday and have not noticed anything not working. Surprisingly network transfer is faster (I attribute this to a new version of Samba). The new Media Server supports...


Cellphone banking scam – what about the banks?

Makes you think why Vodacom is all over the press due to the recent R 7m SMS banking fraud. More interestingly for me is why there is yet no response from the banks (remember all major banks such as ABSA,...


Sacred 2: Lazy developers

I got Sacred 2: Fallen Angels over the weekend and am mightily disappointed. The local two-player mode is unplayable as you constantly clash with your buddy. Unlike Return To Arms or Baldur’s Gate, two players can also not change their...