

Live the high-life, viva ANC and vote for the ANC

It is only 48 more hours till election day and South Africa is rallying to convince people to vote for their favorite party. There is no doubt, that the ANC will get majority ruling and Zuma will become the country’s...


The National Skirt Extension Project

Life really is going south in SA – now even short skirts are prohibited according to this national program: While it is too late for an April fools joke (I noticed the first ad in the Sunday Times and this...


MTN = Most Traumatic Network

Thanks to MTN’s utter incompetence I am still the proud owner of a girly phone. According to the most clueless service manager and his team at Northgate’s MTN service-centre, I should have received my replacement phone by today. Well, not...


Belkin N+ modem router

A little while back I had problems with my old Belkin N1 wireless router and was still amazed that despite a general lack of customer service in South Africa, Incredible Connection (of all places) managed to impress me. Netgear provides...


MTN: I am now a true road-warrior – WTF?

Thanks to MTN’s pathetic service (they manage to set the bar quite low in the first place) and their incompetence to properly handle an insurance claim for a damaged phone, I am now using a true road-warrior phone:   Till...


Official Sony bluetooth headset

This must be one of my most anticipated goodies I got in a while. Not officially launched in South Africa, I imported Sony’s official bluetooth headset for a mere EUR 19,00: It’s look is both plain and cool at the...


Sony PS3 chat-pad

Sony has introduced the QWERTY Wireless keypad clip-on. It makes text entry much easier and includes some bonus touchpad functionality too. Ever since I got my PS3 bluetooth headset, the chat pas is not used as much as it did...