The Friday Picture: Birth control
The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:
R&D Techlead and Dev Manager / e-Commerce / Java- & JEE specialist / gadgeteer / consumer-, privacy- & security activist
The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:
The Friday Picture will provide you with inspirational and (de)motiviational guidance to make the approaching weekend so much more appealing:
I have always been an eternal optimist, and whenever destiny throws me a boomerang of bad luck (such as the recent spider-bite), I throw it right back at her. Three days in hospital brought on enough boredom and a good...
You are back in the office, have forgotten what work is about and stumbled across this blog-post. Unless you work at Hooters our your employer allows “casual-frontal-Fridays” save this link for the late afternoon. If you can’t wait – this...
So little Miss muffet had the wrong idea and snuggled up with me on New Year’s Eve. It is not unusual to wake up on 1st January with an enormous headache, shaking body and a dry mouth. I was still...
My first contribution to Youtube. Unbelievable how some guys dip their heads into self-tanning lotion and think they look awesome: Visit my Youtube-profile for more cool movies.
New Year’s Eve, 1999, was supposed to be as far as it got for humanity. Thanks to short-sighted computer programmers, automated missile launching systems, some form of bug, and the accurate prophecies of Nostradamus, this was the big one; the...
I truly love Guitar Hero World Tour and laughed watching a South Park episode, where they rip off people playing GH. I have never rocked in my underwear: And I doubt that many GH-rockers look as stunning as Heidi Klum:...
I am up for an upgrade and while I am happy with my N95 8GB I need something new. I had a look at the Sony XPERIA, but don’t like the fact that it runs Windows Mobile. So I was...
With all the social gatherings with family and friends during the festive season, you are about to run into one of those mundane “I-wish-I-was-somewhere-else” events – that’s when I took mental note of the following “double-ended” conversations over turkey and...
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