Tagged: job

LinkedIn - How not to get hired, pick your profile picture. 0

LinkedIn – how not to get hired

We have moved all our recruitment initiatives to LinkedIn jobs since we felt that South African recruiters add little to no value in the recruitment process – think about it: a typical recruitment agency will charge a company a placement fee...


James Gosling resigns from Sun

Perhaps the end of Java as we know it? James posted the following at his new blog: “…Yes, indeed, the rumors are true: I resigned from Oracle a week ago (April 2nd). I apologize to everyone in St Petersburg who...


Eskom: Hallelujah!

Eskom’s service is generally up to shit (only Telkom is worse), and in my specific case I cancelled my Eskom account on the 7th September 2007 and have been impatiently waiting for the refund of my R 1,800 deposit. It...


Postnet Northgate – How not to provide service

I am normally very patient and have accepted that experiencing customer service in South Africa is as scarse as finding a virgin at a brothel. Postnet Northgate falls in the no-service category. Their core-business should be just delivering mail –...