Tagged: logitech


Logitech Harmony 895 troubleshooting

My trusty Logitech 895 flaked out over the weekend. Although nothing had changed (isn’t this what is usual in cases like that?), I was not able to update the settings on the remote. If the Logitech Control centre displays an...


Ultimate Control: Logitech Harmony 895

My home-entertainment system consisting of a 46″ 100Hz Sony Bravia, a Yamaha YSP-4000 soundbar, a Yamaha YSP-150 subwoofer, a PS3, a Nintendo Wii and PVR made me a 4-remote collector. A simple task such as watching a BlueRay movie turned...


Where is that VT-remote? KO ERHE it is…

I was checking out Logitech’s website and their homepage gave me the “there-is-something-odd” feeling: Probably makes sense that everything is backwards – after all seems to be a Microsoft remote – judging from that back-to-front Windows logo 😀