Tagged: QWERTY


Sony PS3 chat-pad

Sony has introduced the QWERTY Wireless keypad clip-on. It makes text entry much easier and includes some bonus touchpad functionality too. Ever since I got my PS3 bluetooth headset, the chat pas is not used as much as it did...


Nokia N97 Official Release Date

Dubbed the most powerful multi sensory mobile computer in existence (and iPhone Killer), it features a 3.5inch tilting touch screen, full QWERTY keyboard, WiFi, GPS, 5megapixel camera and a 32GB internal memory. Now we bring you the official release date...


iPhone killer: Nokia N97

I am up for an upgrade and while I am happy with my N95 8GB I need something new. I had a look at the Sony XPERIA, but don’t like the fact that it runs Windows Mobile. So I was...